Starting Point: Speak to Hassan in the wonderful palace of Al Kharid
Reward: 700 Coins,3 quest points, and Free passes thru Al Kharid Gates
Skills Needed: None
Items Needed: About 1,000 Coins, 7 Balls of Wool, ashes, flour, water, redberries, soft clay, pink
skirt, bronze bar, 3 beers, 2 onions.
Difficulty: Not hard, but lengthy
1. Hassan will tell you to speak with Osman, outside the palace. Ask osman alot of questions, this will help you know
what you are doing. Lastly, he will send you off to Leela.
2. Speak to leela who is wandering the fields a bit east of Draynor. Ask her alot of questions as well, now go get some
shears from a general store, and then shear some sheep for 7 wool. Then go upstairs in Lumbrige Castle,.and spin them to get
7 balls of wool. Speak to ned in draynor, tell him to make you a wig, and some rope.
3. Get some ashes from a burnt out fire, get some water from using a bucket on a fountain, get some flour by picking
wheat, and putting it through the mill between draynor and lumbridge, and also some redberries from a bit south of varrock.
Talk to aggie in draynor and tell her to make you skin paste.
4. Grab 2 onions from near the crafting guild, and 5 coins, go back to aggie in draynor, and tell her to make yellow
dye, use this on the wig.
5. Go to Varrock, buy a pink skirt, and also buy 3 beers from a bar. Take all these things to leela, she will tell you
that we need a key to enter Ali's cell. Get some soft clay by using clay ore on a bucket of water, and go into the jail east
of draynor, and talk to Lady Keli. Keep trying to flatter her, tell her she's famous, and stuff like that. Then ask about
the latest plan, and how she's sure he cant get out, ask if you can see the key, then ask if you can touch it. Now you have
a key print.
6. Go to osman with the key print and a bronze bar, go to leela to get the jail key.
7. Joe, the jailguard needs to be distracted, go to him with your 3 beers. Talk to him, really be nice, and understanding.
Then ask him if he wants a beer, keep talking until he chugs down all 3 beers. Use the rope on lady keli, then enter
the prison cell with your key. Talk to the prince.
8. Back to hassan for your reward, Congrats!