Starting Point: Head to Draynor, talk to Morgan in one of the houses.
Reward: Attack Xp(varies on level), 3 Quest Points
Items Needed: Garlic and a Hammer, as well as 100gp.
Skills Needed: Ability to Defeat a level 39 vampire.
Difficulty: Medium
1. Morgan is afraid of a vampire, before you leave to find Dr. Harlow, go upstairs in Morgan's little hut, and search
the cupboard for some garlic.
2. Head to the Jolly Boar Inn, Northeast of varrock, speak to the Drunken Dr. Harlow. He wants a beer, speak to the bartender,
buy a beer, give it to him. Repeat his as many times as it takes before he agrees to help you. He will give you a wooden stake.
3. Take the stake, garlic, and hammer to Draynor Manor(north of Draynor) go down stairs and open the coffin, he will
appear and you will be attacked, kill him, and youre done.