Starting Point: Talk to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim Pub, ask about treasure.
Reward: Gold Ring, 450 Coins, Cut Emerald, 2 Quest Points
Items Needed: 200 Coins or So
Difficulty: Easy
1. Sail to Karajama by talking to the sailors., then follow the path to the pub. Buy a Karajama Rum.
2. You cant just sail back with the rum, unfortunately, there is a ban on the transport of it. Find Luthas, ask him for
a job. Go to the crate and place your rum in it, along with 10 bananas from the field. Talk to him, and tell him that the
crate is full. (If you dont like all the hassle, just teleport off the island). Anyway, now sail back to port sarim. Go buy
a white apron from Varrock Clothing store, then go back to port sarim, and ask Wydin, the food guy for a job cleaning. Go
back into the little room, search the crates, grab the rum, talk to Frank again.
3. He will tell you a wonderful little story and he will hand you a key. Go to the Blue Moon Inn(varrock), upstairs,
use the key on the chest. With the note, head to Falador's garden with a spade. Find the "X" created by the paths, then dig
for your treasure!