Starting Point: After you have earned 32 Quest Points, Enter the Champion's Guild, and speak to the
Guild master, and ask about obtaining a Rune Platebody. He will send you to Oziach.
Reward: Ability to Wield Rune Platebody, 2 Quest Points
Skills Needed: 32 Quest Poins, 34 Smithing, 33 Magic is helpful, Ability to defeat a level 83 Dragon,
and a level 82 Lesser Demon.
Items Needed: Unfired Bowl, Wizard's Mind Bomb, Silk, Lobster Pot, 12 Nails, 3 Planks, Good Weapon(
at least addy), 2500gp or so
Difficulty: Hard
1. Speak to Oziach, he is in a building to the West of Edgeville, near the Wilderness. He will tell you that you need
three map pieces to sail to Crandor, and Fight a dragon.
2. The first map piece is owned by a Goblin named Wormbrain, he is in the Port Sarim Jail. There are 2 ways to get this
map piece, You can simply buy it from him for 10,000gp. Or, you can kill him, using magic or ranged, and then use the "Telekinetic
Grab" spell to snatch the map piece that he will drop when you kill him, the spell requires 33 magic.
3. Ok, you got the first piece, now onto the second. For this, you will need these: Unfired Bowl, Wizards Mind Bomb,
Lobster Pot, and Silk. Unfired Bowls can be obtained by using clay with a bucket of water, then using it with a potter's wheel
and choose a bowl. Wizards mind bomb can be purchased at the Falador Pub, Lobster Pots can be purchased at Port Sarim Fishing
Store, and Silk can be bought from the trader north of Al Kharid. Take all of these items, the go to Ice Mountain, and speak
with the Oracle. Now take the items into the Dwarven mines, head west into an empty room, search the chest and you now have
only one map piece left!
4. Ok, the last piece is the hardest, take the key that oracle gave you, and some good food, and weapons to fight a level
82 monster. Go South, and then west of Falador to a place called Melzar's Maze. Enter the maze with your key, and kill rats
until you have a red key. Use the Red Key on the door in the southwest corner, and go up the ladder. Kill the ghosts until
you obtain an orange key, enter the door second from your left, and up that ladder. Kill Skeltons for the yellow key, then
into the SW door, turn the corner, and then down the ladder. Kill Zombies for the key, then enter Melzar the Mad's Chamber.
Kill Melzar, get his key, then get ready to fight the lesser demon, enter his chamber kill him, get his key, and then thru
the door with the chest in it, and search the chest.
5. Congrats, you got all the map pieces! Ok, use them on each other to get the complete map. Now you need a boat, go
to port sarim with your 12 nails that you smithed from 6 steel bars, and 3 planks, obtained from the zombie graveyard in level
18 wilderness. Talk to the guy at the end of the docks, buy his boat for 2,000 gp. Enter your boat and use your planks on
the holes to patch it up.
6. Time to round up your sailor! Head to Draynor with your full map, and speak with Ned the Fisherman. Ask him to take
you to crandor, he will agree. Now, get to the bank. Grab some good food, your armor and weapon to fight the dragon, your
dragonfire shield(speak to the duke in lumbrige castle to obtain) IMPORTANT: your weapon cannot be a 2h, because you will
need to be wielding the dragonfire shield at all times. Also, bring some teleport runes to get out of there when youre done.
WIth all those items, hop in your boat and talk to Ned, and sail away. Once you crash(uh oh!), get off the boat, make your
way to the dungeon. Walk down aways, and into the dragon's room you go! Keep your dragonfireshield on at all times, and when
you kill the beast, walk thru the odd wall, then teleport. Now you can access this area by simply going into the Karajama
Volcano, and passing thru that wall.
7. Congratulations, you can now go buy the platebody if you like, from Oziach.