Starting Point: Talk to the Barman in Port Sarim Pub, ask him about stories.
Reward: Gold Bar, 200 Coins, 5 Quest Points
Items Needed: 3 Goblin Mail, dropped by Goblins, 75 coins or so.
Difficulty: Easy/Medium
1. Go to the Goblin town, north of Fallador Anvil, and speak to one of the Generals in the back, they cant decide what
color their armor should be.
2. Talk to Aggie the Witch in draynor, tell her the situation, and ask her what dyes to make.
3. Grab 2 Onions from the field by the crafting guild, talk to wyson the gardener in falador, buy 2 woad leaves from
him, then grab 3 redberries from south of varrock near the mining area.
4. Take all those things, and a few coins(15-25) to Aggie. Have her make a red, yellow, and blue dye. Use the Yellow
and Red on each other to make orange dye.
5. Take the Orange, and Blue dye, and 3 goblin mails up to the Generals. Use the orange dye on a goblin mail, show it
to them, they dont like it. Try the Blue dye, but they dont like it either. Finally, show them the regular goblin mail without
any dye on it, and they will somehow be happy and you will be rewarded.