Newbie Guide
This guide is for the new players in Runescape. I hope you enjoy it.
Combat - Combat is the most essential skill in runescape, it defines and tells alot about us, your combat
level is viewable to everyone. Combat is a combination of 5 main skills, attack, defense, strength, hitpoints, and prayer.
Ranged and Magic also affect your combat level, but only if they are higher than the 5 main levels. Let's say that you are
a level 24, and you see a level 14, their name will appear in green, meaning you could probably kill that person. But, if
their name is in yellow that means you are the same level as them, and might or might not win a battle against him. If the
name appears in red, you probably should not engage in combat with them. For more about combat, see the Combat guide.
As you learned in the Tutorial, there are many skills in Runescape. Cooking and Fishing mainly deal with
healing damages dealt to you by other monsters. Higher level fish will heal more damage, but will require higher cooking/fishing
level. You can also bake some pretty fancy dishes, cakes, pizzas, and stews are some of these foods. Mining and Smithing deal
with mining and ore, and then melting it in a furnace, then making it into an armor or weapon. There are 8 different types
of armor, see the Ranks Below. Bronze is the worst armor in the game, while Dragon is the best, however it is members only,
and very expensive. The Dragon Chainbody costs over 25 million coins! So, if you are f2p, the highest you can go is Rune.
For more on these skills, see our guides for Fishing, Cooking, Mining, and Smithing.
Crafting is another skill in runescape, that you didn't learn about in the tutorial. You can make many
things with this skill, Anything from Leather armor to Jewelery. For more, see the Crafting Guide. Woodcut and Firemaking
also are very important in Runescape, especially for members, if you are a member, once you reach 75 woodcut, you can chop
magic trees, which sell for 1,000gp each! You can then make over 500,000gp per day if you really work hard. For more, see
the guides on Crafting, Woodcut, and Firemaking.
Runecrafting is the latest skill in runescape, it allows you to make your own runes to use in magic, or
Thats it for f2p skills, there are four members only skills, Fletching, Herblaw, Agility, and Thieving.
Fletching is the making of bows and arrows, Herblaw is the making of potions, Agility is climbing obstacles and obstacle courses,
and thieving is stealing items from people, chests, and stalls.
Chat is another important element in runescape, it allows you to talk with your friends, and make friends.
If you are not firmiliar with the chat "codes", here is a guide to them.
Lol = Laugh out Loud
G2g or Gtg = Gotta go
brb = Be Right Back
Omg = Oh my goodness
l8r or l8er = Later
nvm = Nevermind
np = No Problem
ty = Thank you
tyvm = Thank you Very much
yw = Your Welcome
n2m = Not too much
p2p = Members(Pay to Play)
f2p = Non-member(Free to Play)
ppl = People
pm = Private Message
rofl = Rolling on the Floor Laughing
btw = By the Way
atm = at the moment
ammy = Amulet
scimmy = Scimitar
attk = Attack
def = Defense
str = Strength
hits = hipoints
Fally = Fallador(city)
Lumby = Lumbrige(city)
Ardy = Ardounge(city)(members only)
Edgy = Edgeville(city)
Barb Vill = Barbarian Villiage(city)
Lobby/lob = Lobster
Swordie = Swordfish
Wildy = Wilderness
lmao = Laughing my (as*) off
roflmao = Rolling on floor laughing my (as*) off
lvl = Level
pker = Player Killer
Tally = Runecrafting Talisman
Also, there is ways to talk in colors and neat styles, by typing red:hi, it will appear as the word hi, in
red color. You can do this with most any other color. There is also wave, scroll, flash, shake, slide. use them in the
same way. If you dont understand, just fool around with it a bit, its fun. Just remember, no caps.
Ok, I hope you learned alot by reading this. If you have more questions, please use the comment/question forum,
on the forums page. Remember to include your runescape name, so i can talk to you. I will also be willing to give you some
financial assistance (aka money).