Combat is perhaps the most important skill in runescape. It determines how strong you are,
and helps you survive while exploring runescape. Think about how hard it would be to walk around runescape doing your everyday
skills at a combat level of 3. You would be under attack constantly. Thanks to combat, most players can walk most anywhere
in the world of runescape and be safe. Combat level is a combination of the skills of Attack, Defense, Strength, Hitpoints,
Prayer, and sometimes Ranged and Magic. Combat xp is given when you kill a monster, 4 xp is given for every hit you lay on
a monster, if I would hit a 13 on a monster, I would get 52 xp in either Attack, Defense, or Strength, Depending on what I
have it set on. You can change your focus by clicking the crossed swords icon and selecting what you want to train. Attack
is at the top, strength in the middle, and defense on the bottom. Sometimes there will be a controlled option on your weapon,
this will divide the xp between the 3 skills. For every hit you take on a monster, 1.33 xp is given to your hitpoints, this
determines how much a monster/player has to hit on you in order to kill you. Prayer also affects your combat level. For every
8 prayer levels, you will gain a combat level. Ranged and Magic will only affect your combat level if they are higher than
your Attk, Def, and Str levels. For every 3 attack, def, or str, or hitpoint levels, you will gain a combat level.
Attack Determines the amount of 0's you will hit.
Strength Determines how high you will hit.
Defense Determines how much players/monsters can hit on you.