Runecrafting is the latest skill in Runescape. It was introduced in Late 2003 along with Runescape 2. It's
purpose was to allow magicians, and players of any kind to make their own runes, instead of depending on monsters to drop
them. The skill requires you to do Rune Mysteries Quest before you can begin making your runes. The quest is very easy.
Above, Is a Rune Essence, these are obtained by speaking to one of the five wizards that can teleport you
to the area to mine them. You need a pickaxe to do this. Once teleported, you will see four large areas, all of them
with a giant snowman-like object in the center. You must click that, and you will begin to obtain rune essences. There is
an unlimited amount of them, there is no respawn needed. Every essence you mine gives you 5 mining experience. Unfortunately,
they are not stackable and you will need to bank every load. To leave, find a yellow, circular portal in each room. To
be teleported to the Rune Essence Mines, speak to:
Aubury, at the Rune Shop in Varrock
Seridor, In the Wizards tower, Near Draynor.
The Wizard Northeast of Ardounge Market
Wizard in the Magic Guild(66 Magic Required)
A Gnome in the Grand Tree, go downstairs and follow the path.
The Best place for f2p is Aubury, the Best in p2p is at the magic guild, if you can use it.
Talismans are obtained by killing certain monsters that drop them. However, you are automatically
given an air talisman when you complete the quest. To craft a rune, you need it's talisman, the higher the value of the rune,
the rarer, and more expensive the talisman will be. Talismans are re-useable, you can use them as many times as you want once
you have it.
Men, Women, Farmers, Warriors
Guards, Skeletons, Dark Wizards
Lesser Demons, Mysterious Men, Caskets
Lessers, Skeletons, Giants, Myserious Men, Shadow Warriors, Ice Warriors
Moss Giants, Green Dragons, Jogres, Paladins, Ghasts, Lessers, Greaters, Paladins, Blue and Red Dragons
Law Tally
Reward from Troll Stronghold Quest
Non - Tradeable
Altar Locations
AIR: Southwest of Mining Guild in Fallador
MIND: North of Fallador, near goblin villiage
WATER: In Lumbridge Swamps, Near Shore
EARTH: Northeast of Varrock
FIRE: North of Al Kharid, By Duelling Arena
BODY: West side of the Fence by Barbarian Villiage, go north.
COSMIC: In the Lost City, Follow the trench
CHAOS: In Level 9 Wildy, North of Edgeville, there is a maze inside the altar
you must navigate through.
NATURE: North of Shilo Villiage
LAW: North Side of Entrana
Levels to Craft / Xp
Xp is per essence
Air: Level 1
XP: 5
Mind: Level 2
XP: 5.5
Water: Level 5
XP: 6
Earth: Level 9
XP: 6.5
Fire: Level 14
XP: 7
Body: Level 20
XP: 7.5
Cosmic: Level 27
XP: 8
Chaos: Level 35
XP: 8.5
Nature: Level 44
XP: 9
Law: Level 54
XP: 9.5
NOTE: Death, Soul, and Blood Runes are not in the game yet, but are expected to be released later,
probably as a reward after a quest.
Death: Probably Level 65
XP: Probably 10
Blood: Probably Level 77
XP: Probably 10.5
Soul: Probably Level 90
XP: Probably 11
Multiple Runes
When you get to a certain level, you will be able to craft more runes per essence. For example,
at level 11 Runecrafting, you will be able to get 2 Air runes for every essence that you craft. However, you will still only
get 5xp per essence. Also, once you reach level 99 runecrafting, you will be able to make 10 air runes per essence! That's
270 Air Runes per load! Below are the requirements for multiple runes.
2x - 11
3x - 22
4x - 33
5x - 44
6x - 55
7x - 66
8x - 77
9x - 88
10x - 99
2x - 14
3x - 28
4x - 42
5x - 56
6x - 70
7x - 84
8x - 98
2x - 19
3x - 38
4x - 57
5x - 76
6x - 95
2x - 26
3x - 52
4x - 78
2x - 35
3x - 70
2x - 46
3x - 92
2x - 59
2x - 74
2x - 91