Level: 227
Hits: 200
Aggressive? Yes
Retreats? No
Members? Yes
Where to Find: Members Dungeon
Drops: Dragon Bones, Black Hide, Rune Knife, Rune Long, Rune 2h, Mith 2h, Mith Battleaxe, Mith Hatchet,
Addy Javelins(30), Addy Dart (15), Dragon Medium, Rune Sq, Rune Kite, Mith Kite, Addy Body, Fire Rune(75), Air (75), Blood(15),
Death(45), Law(3), Herbs, Choc. Cake, Silver Ores(50-100), Gems, Rune Bar, Addy Bar, Mith Bar, Key Half, Shield Half, Dragon
Spear, Lvl 3 Clue, Banana
Tips: Hard to kill, it has a very high melee and magic protection, so ranged is reccommended.