Ernest the Chicken
Starting Point: Talk to Veronica outside Draynor Manor, North of Draynor.
Reward: 4 Quest Points, 300 Coins
Items/Skills Needed: None
Difficulty: Easy
1. Talk to Veronica, tell her you will help her find Ernest.
2. Enter the Mansion, go to the highest floor, talk to the professor. Ask him about Ernest and he will say
that Ernest is now a Chicken. He needs you to find three things to fix his machine, and transform Ernest back to himself.
He needs a pressure gauge, oil can, and a rubber tube.
RUBBER TUBE == On the ground floor, go northeast into a room with a few red dots. Pick up a spade, go outside,
then go west until you hit the fence, then south until you come upon a compost heap, use your spade with it and you will now
have a key. Go back in that door you came out and enter the room with your key with a skeleton inside, grab the tube and get
OIL CAN == Go into the basement, then pull levers and open doors in this order.
Pull lever A, Pull lever B, open NE door.
Pull lever D, Open SW door
Open south door, Pull A, Pull B, Enter NW door, enter West door
Pull F, Pull E, go east through 2 doors.
Pull C, enter NW door, enter West door, Pull E, Open East door,
open S door, open S door, open W door, grab can.
PRESSURE GAUGE == Find the fish food and the poison, use them on each other. Go outside the north door and
find the fountain, use the poisoned food on the fountain. Search it.
3. Talk to Oddenstein and he will change him back, you will be rewarded.