The Knight's Sword
Starting Point: Talk to the squire in the white knight's castle in falador.
Reward: 1 Quest Point, Smithing xp depending on level.
Items Needed: Pickaxe, 2 Iron Bars, Redberry Pie.
Skills Needed: Level 10 Mining, Ability to hold up a few ice warriors(Level 57) for a minute
or so.
Difficulty: Medium
1. Talk to the Squire, he will tell you that he lost Sir Wyvin's Sword, he will tell you to talk to Reldo,
in the Library.
2. Go to Varrock Castle, then go to the north end, you should see Reldo. Talk to him and ask about the imcando
dwarves. He will tell you there is only one remaining and he will tell you of his location.
3. With your redberry pie, Go South of Port Sarim and you will see a little house with Thurgo the Dwarf lingering
around. Talk to him and give him the redberry pie. He will need a picture, so go back to the white knight's castle, talk to
the squire about it, then go upstairs to sir Wyvin's room, search the cupboard while he is out of the room, you might need
a friend to talk to him and distract him.
4. When you have the picture, get your iron bars, pickaxe, (IF YOURE A LOW LEVEL, BRING A WEAPON, ARMOR AND
If you are above level 50, you will be fine. Find Thurgo again, he will say that you need blurite ore and
2 iron bars. You should see a dungeon marker from where you are, go in it and past the muggers, pirates and hobgoblins and
you will see an area with white ground. Now run into it, find a blue rock and mine it. Try to be sneaky so you wont be attacked.
Once you have the blurite ore, go back to Thurgo again and he will now make the sword.
5. Talk to the Squire, you will be rewarded.