Witch's Potion
Starting Point: Talk to Hetty in Rimmington
Reward: 1 Quest Point, 300 Magic XP
Items Needed: A few coins
Difficulty: Easy
1. Talk to Hetty and she will ask you to get ingredients for her potion. You need a rat's tail, an onion,
an eye of newt, and burnt meat.
2. Kill a rat to get the rats tail
3. Buy an eye of newt for a few coins from Betty in Port Sarim, the rune seller
4. By Port Sarim's Jail, there are some Giant Rats, Kill one and get it's meat. Cook it on a range and if
you dont burn it, use it on the range once more and it will burn.
5. There is a field of onions near melzar's maze, north of hetty.
6. With all the ingredients, Head back to Hetty and she will tell you to drink the brew, once you drink it,
you have finished the quest.