The Restless Ghost
Starting Point: Lumbridge Church
Reward: 1200 Prayer Xp, Amulet of Ghostspeak, 1 Quest Point
Items/Skills Needed: None
Difficulty: Easy
1. Talk to Aerick in the Church, He will tell you about the ghost in his graveyard and to talk to Father Urhney
in the Swamps.
2. Go into the swamps(around the fence) and find his hut. He will give you an Amulet of Ghostspeak.
3. Go into the graveyard by the church with your amulet on and talk to the ghost, ask him questions until
he tells you about a warlock that stole his skull.
4. Head to the Wizard's Tower and go into the basement and look for the skull, take it and you will be attacked
by a skeleton, no need to kill it.
5. Go back to the coffin and use the skull with it. The ghost will vanish and you will be rewarded.