Romeo and Juliet
Starting Point: Speak with Juliet in her house west of Varrock.
Reward: 5 Quest Points
Items Needed: Cadava Berries found North Of Varrock
Skills Needed: None
Difficulty: Easy
1. Speak with Juliet In her house west of varrock. She will ask you to deliver a message to romeo in the center
of Varrock.
2. Speak to Romeo and he tells you to talk with Father Lawrence in the Church to the Northeast.
3. Lawrence will tell you about a potion you need, He will refer you to the apothecary southwest of the center
of Varrock.
4. With your cadava berries, talk to the apothecary and he will make you your potion, you may have to speak
with him twice.
5. Take the potion to Juliet and you will be thanked. She also wants you to talk to Romeo again.
6. Talk to Romeo and he will blab on and eventually give you your reward.