Doric's Quest
Starting Point: Anvil Building North Of Falador
Reward: 1250 Mining XP, Ability To use his anvils, 180gp, 1 Quest Point
Items Needed: A Pickaxe
Skills Needed: 15 Mining
Difficulty: Easy
1. Talk to Doric and ask him if you can use his anvils. He will say you can if you can do him a small favor,
he needs 6 Clay ores, 4 Copper ores, and 2 Iron ores.
2. With your pickaxe, Enter the Dwarven Mines, northeast of Falador, Use a map if you cannot find it.
3. Go down the trap-door and a bit south and you will see some copper and iron rocks, get 4 copper and 2 iron.
Then go further south and you will see some clay rocks, get 6 of these.
4. When you have all the ores, head back to Doric to be rewarded.