Cook's Assistant
Starting Point: Lumbrige Castle, Speak to the Cook
Reward: 1 Quest Point, 300 Cooking XP, Ability to use his range
Skills Needed: None
Items Needed: Milk, Eggs, Flour
Difficulty: Very Easy
1. Speak to the Cook in Lumbrige Castle, He will tell you that he needs 3 ingredients for his
cake. Tell him you will help him out.
Flour - Find a pot in the castle, exit the castle and follow the road north, then west until you come
upon a windmill. Pick some grain from the field to the west of it and then enter the windmill. Go up all the ladders
to the top floor, use your grain with the hopper and the operate it and head back down the ladders to the bottom. You
will see some flour, use your pot with it to pick it up
Milk - Head back to Lumbrige, then stop at the general store and buy a bucket. Now cross one of
the bridges going east accross the river, then head north until you see some cows in a field. Enter the field, then
use your bucket on the cow and you will have some milk.
Egg - Keep heading north after you get the milk until you come upon a small farm with chickens. Enter
it, and there should be 2 eggs scattered around. Pick one up and now head south and across the bridge back to the Castle.
3. With all your ingredients, talk to the cook and he will reward you.