Matthew0490's Current Stats
As of 2/23/05
Combat 100
Attack 81
Strength 80
Defense 80
Hitpoints 81
Smithing 62
Fishing 71
Cooking 72
Firemaking 71
Mining 72
Magic 69
Ranged 61
Prayer 60
Woodcut 87
Crafting 60
Runecrafting 43
Thieving 64
Agility 57
Herblaw 54
Fletching 74
Slayer 52
Skill Total 1350
Here is a Picture of my Latest Stats |
Updated February 15th |
Insane Xp Combat Strategy |
In Ice Queen Lair |

Dragon Medium, Legs, Square |
My Level 100 Main, Matthew0490 |
(Matthew0490 is my runescape name)